Nem irigylem azokat, akik komplett lemezgyűjtésbe kezdenének, bár mit szóljanak mondjuk az Elvis vagy Beatles gyűjtők? Mindenesetre nagy fába vágják a fejszéjüket, akik úgy gondolják; belevágnak egy t.A.T.u.-kollekcióba kalózkiadványokkal, MP3-as albumokkal egyetemben. Pláne, ha figyelembe vesszük, hogy a lista korántsem teljes, a neten mindig sikerül belebotlanom egy-egy addig még nem látott darabba. Talán a többség - velem együtt - jobban jár, ha csak ámul és gyönyörködik a kiadványokban. (Ha valaki ennél átfogóbb, bővebb discográfiával találkozott, kérem ossza meg velem.)




Az eladott egymillió példány után

Ja szosla sz uma (2000)

  1. Ya Soshla S Uma (Album Version)
  2. Ya Soshla S Uma (DJ Ram Remix)
  3. Ya Soshla S Uma (Galoyan Slow Remix)
  4. Ya Soshla S Uma (DJ Ram BreakBeat Remix)
  5. Ya Soshla S Uma (HarDrum Remix)
  • Ya Soshla S Uma (Music Video)
  • Ya Soshla S Uma (Music Video Remix)

[ I’ve Lost My Mind (3:36) I’ve Lost My Mind (DJ Ram) (4:04)I’ve Lost My Mind (С. Галоян) (4:33) I’ve Lost My Mind (DJ Ram) (3:40) I’ve Lost My Mind (HarDrum) (4:00)  I’ve Lost My Mind (Video)  I’ve Lost My Mind (Video Remix) ]


Nasz nye dogonyat (2001)


# "Ya Soshla S Uma" (200 km/h in the Wrong Lane edit)
# "Nas Ne Dogonyat" (200 km/h in the Wrong Lane edit)
# "30 Minutes"
# "All The Things She Said"


30 Minut (orosz kiadás, 2001)    


200 po vsztrecsnoj (200 по встречной) (2001)

1 Zacsem ja - (Зачем я Why Should I) 2 Ja szosla sz uma - Я сошла с ума I've Lost My Mind  3 Nasz nye dogonyat - Нас не догонят Not Gonna Catch Us  4 Doszcsitaj do szta - Досчитай до ста Count Up To 100  5 30 minut - 30 минут 30 Minutes  6 Ja tvoj vrag - Я твой враг I'm Your Enemy  7 Ja tvoja nye pervaja - Я твоя не первая I'm Not Your First  8 Robot – Робот Robot  9 Malcsik-gej - Мальчик-гей Gay Boy  10 Nasz nye dogonyat (Remix)  11 30 minut (HarDrum Remix)


Zvezdnaja Serija (2001)

1. Ya Shosla S Uma  2. Robot  3. Zachem Ya  4. Doschitai Do Sta  5. Ya Tvoi Vrag  6. Nas Ne Dogoniat  7. Malchik-gay  8. 30 minut
9. Ya Tvoya Ne Pervaya  10. Nas ne dagoniat (HarDrum remix)
11. 30 minut (HarDrum remix)  12. Ya Shosla S Uma (Dj Ram remix)
13. Ya Shosla S Uma (HarDrum remix)  14. Ya Shosla S Uma (Dj Ram BreakBeat remix)  15. Ya Shosla S Uma (C. Galoyan remix)


Prosztije dvizsenyija (2002)




Tanceval'nyj Marafon (orosz kiadás, 2002)

1. Klouny  2. Nas Ne Dogoniat  3. Ya Shosla S Uma  4. 30 minut
5. Ya Tvoya Ne Pervaya  6. Zachem Ya  7. Malchik-gay  8. Robot
9. Polchasa bez lyubvi  10. Ya Tvoi Vrag  11. Doschitai Do Sta
12. Skazhi zachem  13. Ya Shosla S Uma (remix Galoyan)
14. Nas Ne Dogoniat (hardrum remix)  15. Ya Shosla S Uma (remix DJ Ram)  16. 30 minutes (HarDrum remix)  17. Ya shosla s uma ... kakaya dosada  18. Skazhi zachem (Chanel Mix)  19. Ya Shosla S Uma (HarDrum remix)


200 po vsztrecsnoj (200 по встречной) (2002, második orosz  kiadás)

1. "Klouny" (Клоуны, lit. Clowns)  2. "30 Minut" (30 Mинут, lit. 30 Minutes)  3. "Doschitay Do Sta" (Досчитай до ста, lit. Count Up to 100) 4. "Zachem Ya" (Зачем я, lit. Why Am I)  5. "Nas Ne Dogonyat" (Нас не догонят, lit. Not Gonna Catch Us)  6. "Ya Tvoya Ne Pervaya" (Я твоя не первая, I'm Not Your First)  7. "Robot" (Робот)  8. "Malchik Gey" (Мальчик гей, lit. Gay Boy)  9. "Ya Tvoy Vrag" (Я твой враг, I'm Your Enemy)  10. "Ya Soshla S Uma" (Я сошла с ума, lit. I've Lost My Mind) 11. "30 Minut (Moscow Grooves Institute Remix)"  12. "Malchik-Gey (That Black Remix)"  


VIP series

1. Prostye Dvizheniya  2. Ya Shosla S Uma  3. 30 minut  4. Zachem Ya
5. Nas ne dagoniat  6. Nas ne dagonyat (HarDrum remix)
7. Polchasa bez Lyubvi (HarDrum remix)  8. Ya Tvoya Ne Pervaya
9. Ya Tvoi Vrag  10. Doschitai Do Sta  11. Skazhi Zachem (Channel Mix)
12. Robot  13. Skazhi Zachem  14. Malchik-gay
15. Ya Shosla S Uma (trance remix)  16. Ya Shosla S Uma (HarDrum remix)  17. Ya Shosla S Uma (remix DJ Ram)


All the Things She Said (amerikai kiadás, 2002)

1) All the things she said (Radio Version)  2) Stars


All the Things She Said (német kiadás, 2002)

1) All the things she said (Radio Version) 2) Mark's Intellectual Vocal Mix 3) Extension 119 Club Edit 4) HarDrum Remix


All the Things She Said (olasz kiadás, 2002)

1) All the things she said (Radio Version) 2) All the things she said (Album Version) 3) All the things she said (Videoclip) 4) Behind-the-Scenes with Julia and Lena (Video Part 1)


200 km/h in the Wrong Lane (2002) (promó album)

1. All the Things She Said  2. Not Gonna Get Us  3. Show Me Love  4. 30 minutes  5. Malchik-Gay  6. Stars  7. How Soon Is Now  8. Bonus Video : All The Things She Said  9. Bonus Video : All The Things She Said (Hard Drum Remix)


Imperiya zv'ozd

1. Zavedi  2. Prostye dvizheniya  3. Ne glotat’  4. Klouny
5. Nas ne dogoniat  6. Polchasa (Original)  7. Zachem ya
8. Ya Shosla S Uma  9. Doschitai Do sta  10. Robot
11. Polchasa (Extended Version)  12. Ves mir V tvoih rukah
13. Malchick-gay  14. Ya tvoy vrag  15. Lish tebya
16. Ya tvoya ne pervaya  17. All the things she said  18. Melodiya lyubvi
19. Odna  20. Al’fons


Luchshiye pesni

1. Prostye dvizheniya  2. All the things she said  3. Ya ne glotayu
4. Not gonna get us  5. Klouny  6. Show me love
7. Ya Tvoya Ne Pervaya  8. 30 minutes  9. Zachem Ya
10. Malchik-gay  11. Ya Shosla S Uma  12. Stars
13. Nas ne dagoniat  14. How soon is now  15. Doschitai Do sta
16. 30 minut  17. Ya Tvoy Vrag  18. Robot  19. Malchik-gay (russian)





200 km/h in the Wrong Lane (2002) (amerikai kiadás)

1.Not Gonna Get Us  2.All the Things She Said  3.Show Me Love - (Russian, remix)  4.30 Minutes  5.How Soon Is Now?  6.Clowns (Can You See Me Now?)  7.Malchik Gay  8.Stars  9.Ya Shosla S Uma - (Russian)10.Nas Ne Dagoniat - (Russian)  11.Show Me Love - (extended version)  


200 km/h in the Wrong Lane (2002) (Német kiadás)

1.Not Gonna Get Us   2.All the Things She Said   3.Show Me Love - (Russian, remix)   4.30 Minutes   5.How Soon Is Now?   6.Clowns (Can't You See Me Now?)   7.Malchik Gay   8.Stars   9.Ya Soshla S Uma 10.Nas Ne Dagnyat - (Russian) 11.Show Me Love (Clean Extended Version)   12.30 Minutes (Remix) (Bonus Track)  13.All the Things She Said (Video & Behind the Scenes With Julia and Lena Part 2)  


200 km/h in the Wrong Lane (2002) (Angol kiadás)

1.Not Gonna Get Us   2.All The Things She Said   3.Show Me Love   4.30 Minutes   5.How Soon Is Now?   6.Clowns (Can You See Me Now?)   7.Malchik Gay   8.Stars   9.Ya Soshla S Uma (I've Lost My Mind) 10.Nas Ne Dagnyat  (Not Gonna Get Us) 11.Show Me Love [Extended Version]   12.30 Minutes (Remix)   13.Malchik Gay (Remix)  


200 km/h in the Wrong Lane (2002) (japán kiadás)



200 km/h in the Wrong Lane (2002) (ázsiai kiadás)




1. Ya Shosla S Uma  2. Robot  3. Pakazhi mne lyubvi  4. Skazhi zachem  5. Ya ne prashu praschienia  6. Doschitai Do Sta  7.Ya Shosla S Uma (remix)  8. Ya Shosla S Uma (remix)  9. Ya Shosla S Uma (remix)  10. Ya Shosla S Uma (remix)  11. Ya Shosla S Uma (original mix)  12. Ya Shosla S Uma (remix)


All the Things She Said (orosz kiadás, 2002)

1. All Things She Said  2. Simple Movements (Простые движения)  3. You've Lost Your Mind (Ты сошел с ума)  4. Clowns (Клоуны) 5. 30 Minutes (30 минут)  6. Gay Boy (Мальчик-гей)  7. Why For (Зачем)  8. Not Gonna Get Us (Нас не догонят)  9. I Am Not Your First (Я твоя не первая)  10. Count To 100 (Досчитай до ста)  11. I'm Your Enemy (Я твой враг)  12. Robot (Робот)  13. I've Lost My Mind (Я сошла с ума)  14. Not Gonna Get Us (Нас не догонят - remix)  15. I've Lost My Mind (Я сошла с ума - harddrum remix)  16. 30 Minutes (30 минут - harddrum remix)  17. Not Gonna Get Us (Нас не догонят - harddrum remix)  18. I've Lost My Mind (Я сошла с ума - remix)  19. Tatu & Rammstein Feat.  Ode: Rammsteins Not Gonna Get Us 20. Tatu & Prodigy - Not Gonna Get Us


200 Km/H in the wrong lane (orosz kiadás)

1. Not Gonna Get Us  2. All The Thungs She Said  3. Show Me Love  4.30 minutes  5. How soon is now?  6. Clowns  7. Malchik-gay  8. Stars  9. I've Lost My Mind (Я сошла с ума)  10. Not Gonna Get Us (Нас не догонят)  11. Show me love (Extended version)  12. 30 minutes (remix)


Megamix (orosz kiadás, 2002)

1. Clowns (Клоуны) 2. You've Lost Your Mind (Ты сошел с ума - CJ Fly Hard Version) 3. I've Lost My Mind (Я сошла с ума - DJ Ram Remix) 4. Not Gonna Get Us (Нас не догонят - Hardrum Remix) 5. 30 Minutes (30 минут - Hardrum Remix) 6. Robot (Робот) 7. I Am Not Your First (Я твоя не первая) 8. I'm Your Enemy (Я твой враг) 9. Gay Boy (Мальчик-гей) 10. Count To 100 (Досчитай до ста) 11. Tell Me Why For (Скажи зачем - Channel Mix) 12. I've Lost My Mind (Я сошла с ума - DJ Ram Edit) 13. Not Gonna Get Us (Нас не догонят - Remix) 14. I've Lost My Mind (S.Galoyan Remix) 15. Gay Boy (That Black Remix) 16. I've Lost My Mind (Hardrum Remix) 17. 30 minutes (30 минут - Moscow Grooves Institute Remix) 18. Tatu & Rammstein Feat. Ode: Rammsteins Not Gonna Get Us  19. 30 Minutes (Kin-Dza-Dza Mix)


Best Songs (orosz kiadás, 2002)

1. Simple Movements (Простые движения) 2. All The Things She Said 3. Я не глотаю 4. Not Gonna Get Us 5. Clowns (Клоуны) 6. Show Me Love 7. I am Not Your First (Я твоя первая) 8. 30 Minutes 9. Why Me (Зачем я) 10. Malchick Gay 11. I've Lost My Mind (Я сошла с ума) 12. Stars 13. They're Not Gonna Get Us (Нас не догонят) 14. How Soon Is Now 15. Count to 100 (Досчитай до ста) 16. 30 Minutes (30 минут)  17. I'm Your Enemy (Я твой враг) 18. Robot (Робот) 19. Gay Boy (Мальчик гей)


Best of Tatu (nemzetközi kiadás, 2002)



Nasz nye dogonyat (lengyel kiadás, 2001)


1 "Ya Soshla S Uma" (200 km/h in the Wrong Lane edit)
2 "Nas Ne Dogonyat" (200 km/h in the Wrong Lane edit)
3 "30 Minutes"
4 "All The Things She Said"


Not Gonna Get Us (2003) spanyol kiadás

1)Not Gonna Get Us  2)Not Gonna Get Us (Dave Aude's Extension 119 vocal edit)  3)All the Things She Said (DJ Monk Breaks Mix)  4)All the Things She Said (Black Pulke Mix)


Nye ver, nye bojszja (orosz kiadás, 2003)

Nye ver, nye bojszja1. Ne ver', ne bojsya, ne prosi (Don't trust, don't fear, don't ask)   2. Prostye Dvizhenia (Simple Motions)  3. All The Things She Said   4. Ya ne Glotayu  5. Not Gonna Get Us   6. Klouny (Clowns)
7. Show Me Love   8. Ya Tvoya Ne Pervaya (I'm Not Your First)
9. 30 minutes   10. Zachem Ya (Why Me)  11. Malchik Gay (Gay Boy)
12. Ya Soshla S Uma (I've Lost My Mind)  13. Stars
14. Nas Ne Dogoniat (They're Not Gonna Get Us)  15. How Soon Is Now?   16. Doschitai Do Sta (Count To 100)  17. 30 minut (30 minutes)
18. Ya Tvoi Vrag (I'm Your Enemy)  19. Robot (Robot)
20. Malchik-gay (Gay Boy)


30 Minutes (európai kiadás, 2003)

 1. 30 Minutes (Album Version)
2. 30 Minutes (Remix)
3. 30 Minutes (Enhanced Video)


Nye ver, nye bojszja (nemzetközi kiadás, 2003)

Nye ver, nye bojszja





Nye ver, nye bojszja (nemzetközi kiadás, 2003)

Nye ver, nye bojszja


2 in 1 (2003) orosz és angol, kétnyelvű kiadás

1. Not Gonna Get Us 2. All The Things She Said 3. Show Me Love 4. 30 Minutes 5. How Soon Is Now 6. Gay Boy (Мальчик гей) 7. Clawns (Can You See Now) 8. Malchick Gay 9. i Am Not Your First (Я твоя не первaя) 10. Stars 11. I've Lost My Mind (Я сошла с ума)
12. Not Gonna Get UsНас не догонят 13. Show Me Love (Extended) 14. Clowns (Клоуны) 15. 30 Minutes (Remix) 16. Count To 100 (Досчитать до ста) 17. Why Me (Зачем я) 18. Simple Movements (Простые движения) 19. 30 Minutes (30 Минут) 20. Robot (Робот)


Show Me Love (2003)   Show Me Love


How Soon Is Now? (orosz kiadás, 2003)

1. "How Soon Is Now?" (Main version)
2. "30 Minutes"
3. "Ne Ver, Ne Boisia"


How Soon Is Now? (remix kiadás, 2003)

 1 How Soon Is Now? (Black Remix)
 2 How Soon Is Now? (Paul Samplon & Phunka Remix)
 3 How Soon Is Now? (Remix) (feat. z.A.f.)
Not Gonna Get Us (holland kiadás, 2003)

1) Not Gonna Get Us -Radio Version  2) Not Gonna Get Us-Dave Aude's Extension 119 Vocal Edit


Not Gonna Get Us (2003) Nemzetközi kiadás

1)Not Gonna Get Us  2)Not Gonna Get Us (Dave Aude's Extension 119 vocal edit)  3)All the Things She Said (DJ Monk Breaks Mix)  4)All the Things She Said (Black Pulke Mix)


Remixes (amerikai kiadás, 2003)

1.All the Things She Said (Extension 119 Club Edit)   2.All the Things She Said (Dave Aude Dub)   3.All the Things She Said (Mark!'s Intellectual Vocal)   4.All the Things She Said (DJ Monk's Dub 5.Hard Drum Mix)   5.All the Things She Said (Hard Drum Mix)   6.Not Gonna Get Us (Dave Aude Remix Big Dub)   7.Not Gonna Get Us (Larry Tee Electroclash Mix   8.Not Gonna Get Us (Richard Morel's Pink Noise Vocal Mix)   9.Not Gonna Get Us (Thick Dick Vocal)   10.Not Gonna Get Us (Hard Drum Mix)   11.30 Minutes(Remix)  


Remixes (Japán kiadás, 2003)

10 tracks - 'All The Things She Said' (DJ Monk's After Skool Special, Mark's Buzzin Mix, Running and Spinning Remix by LG & RLS, & Extension 119 Club Dub), 'Not Gonna Get Us' (Larry Tee Electroclash Mix, Richard Morel's Pink Noise Vocal Mix), Thick Dick Vocal' & 'Dave Aude Remix-Velvet Dub), '30 Minutes' (Extension 119 Club Vocal) & 'Not Gonna Get Us' (Remix Video). Interscope.


Remixes Gift Pack 2CD+DVD (2003)

CD 1
1. Blackpulke Remix  2. MARK!'s Buzzin Mix  3. Running and Spinning Remix by Guena LD&RLS  4. Extension 119 Club Dub
NOT GONNA GET US  5. Larry Tee Electroclash Mix  6. Richard Morel's Pink Noise Vocal Mix  7. Thick Dick Vocal  8. Dave Aude’ Velvet Dub
30 MINUTES  9. Extention 119 Club Vocal  10. Prostiye Dvizhenya  11. Ne ver, ne boisya

CD 2
Ya Soshla S Uma
1. HarDrum remix
All The Things She Said
2. Hardrum remix
Nas Ne Dogonyat
3. HarDrum remix
4. HarDrum remix  5. Naked Mix by Moscow Grooves Institute
6. RagaMix by That Black
Malchik Gay
7. Fankymix by That Black
All The Things She Said
8. Extention 119 Club Edit  9. DJ MONKS breaks mix

I. Music Videos
1. Ya Soshla S Uma  2. Ya Soshla S Uma (remix)  3. Nas Ne Dogonyat
4. 30 Minut  5. Prostiye Dvizhenya  6. All The Things She Said
7. All The Things She Said (remix)  8. Not Gonna Get Us
9. Not Gonna Get Us (remix)  10. 30 Minutes
11. How Soon Is Now?
II. Live Performance at MUZ TV – 2003 Award:
1. Ne Ver, Ne Boisya  2. Nas Ne Dogonyat
III. Photo Gallery


T.A.T.U. And Rammstein-Pruzinki (orosz kiadás, 2004)

01-t.a.t.u_and_rammstein-ist_das_gut_(xxx_mix)  02t.a.t.u_and_rammstein-pruzhinki_(ping-pong_mix)  03t.a.t.u_and_rammstein-polchasa_bez_tebya_(very_sad_mix)  04t.a.t.u_and_rammstein-odno_i_to_zhe_(long_repeat_mix)  05t.a.t.u_and_rammstein-links_2_dry_4_(very_clear_mix)  06t.a.t.u_and_rammstein-ein_kleiner_mensch_(small_grave_mix)  07t.a.t.u_and_limp_bizkit-ya_soshla_(bonus_track)  08t.a.t.u_and_rammstein-trafik_solnca_(bonus_track)  09t.a.t.u_and_clawfinger-my_skuchali_(bonus_track)


Don't Stop vol. 1. (MP3 album 2004)   - All About Us (Stephane K Mix Radio Edit)- Doschitay do sta- Ne ver', Ne Bojsia, Ne Prosi- Begite Za Nami [Remix] - Bootleg Megamix-  Bylo i proshlo - Bylo i proshlo [Russkiy Razmer Remix] -- Divine (Extended Version)- Doschitai Do Sta (Count To 100) - Freak - Friend Or Foe (Morels Pink Noise Remix)- Malchik Gay (Album Version) - Not Gonna Get Us (Extension 119 Club Vocal Mix)- Prostie Dvizhenya[Remix]- Robot (Album Version)- Robot (Remix)- Show Me Love (Extended)- Ya Soshla S Uma (S. Galoyan Remix)- Ya Tvoi Vrag (I'm Your Enemy)- Zavedi


Vika's Album (2005)

1. You Agree  2. All My Love  3. Protected By The Glass  4. I Am Your Enemy  5. I Am Not Your First  6. Monkey-Zero  7. Don't Cry  8. Вика (Vika)Yulia Solo  9.You Agree Extension 119 Remix 10. You Agree


Ljugyi invalidi (Люди инвалиды) (2005)

1 Ljugyi invalidi (intro) ( Люди инвалиды (Интро);  InValid People)  2 Novaja model (Новая модель;  New Model)  3 Obezjanka nol (Обезьянка ноль;  Monkey Zero)  4 Loves Me Not 5 Koszmosz ( Космос;  Cosmos)  6 Ti szoglaszna ( Ты согласна;  You Agree)  7 Nyicsja ( Ничья;  No One's)  8 Vszja moja ljubov ( Вся моя любовь;  All My Love)  9 All About Us  10 Sto ne hvatajet (Что не хватает;  Isn't This Enough?)  11 Ljugyi invalidi ( Люди инвалиды;  InValid People)


All About Us (2005) (Japán kiadás)

1.All About Us   2.All About Us (Instrumental/Karaoke)  


All About Us (2005) (Német kiadás)

1. All About Us (Intro) 2. Divine  3. All About Us (album version)  4. All About Us (Remix)


All About Us (2005) (amerikai kiadás)   1. All About Us  2. Divine


Friend or Foe (európai maxi  kiadás, 2005)

 1. Friend Or Foe (Single Version)
2. Friend Or Foe (L.E.X. Global Oxygen Edit)
3. Friend Or Foe (Morel's Pink Noise Mix)
4. Friend Or Foe (CC) (Video)
Friend or Foe (európai  kiadás, 2005)

 1. Friend or foe (Single Version)
2. Friend or foe (L.E.X. Global Oxygen Edit)
Friend or Foe (angol  kiadás, 2005)

 1. Friend or Foe (Single Version)
2. Not Gonna Get Us (Radio Version)
Friend or Foe (angol, maxi kiadás, 2005)

 1. Friend or Foe (Single Version)
2. All About Us (Sunset In Ibiza Radio Mix By Guéna LG)
3. Friend or Foe (Morel's Pink Noise Mix)
4. Friend or Foe (Video)
Friend or Foe (amerikai kiadás, 2005)

1) Friend or Foe [Single Version]  2) Friend or Foe [L.E.X. Global Oxygen Edit]  3) Friend or Foe [Morel's Pink Noise Mix]  4) Friend or Foe [Multimedia Track]


Lyudi Invalidi (orosz kiadás, 2005)

  1. "Lyudi Invalidi"
  2. "Lyudi Invalidi" (Bez Lyubvi Pimenov PPK Mix)
  3. "Obez'yanka Nol'"


Lyudi Invalidi (orosz, maxi kiadás, 2005)

 1. "Lyudi Invalidi" (Album version)
2. "Lyudi Invalidi" (Radio Edit)
3. "Lyudi Invalidi" (Globass Remix)
4. "Lyudi Invalidi" (Pimenov Radio Mix)
5. "Lyudi Invalidi" (Pimenov Extended Mix)
6. "Lyudi Invalidi" (Globass Extended Club Mix)
7. "All About Us"
Dangerous and Moving (2005)

1.Dangerous & Moving (Intro)  2.All About Us  3.Cosmos (Outer Space)  4.Loves Me Not 5.Friend or Foe  7.Craving (I Only Want What I Can't Have) 9.We Shout  10.Perfect Enemy  11.Obezyanka Noi 12.Dangerous & Moving  


Dangerous and Moving (2005)

1.Dangerous And Moving - Intro   2.All About Us - Album Version   3.Cosmos - Outer Space   4.Loves Me Not 5.Friend Or Foe   6.Gomenasai - Album Version 7.Craving ( I Only Want What I Can't Have ) 8.Sacrifice 9.We Shout   10.Perfect Enemy   11.Objzienka Nol 12.Dangerous And Moving - Album Version   13.Vsya Moya Lubov - Non-lp Version 14.Lyudi Invalidi - Non-lp Version


Dangerous and Moving (2005) (Limitált francia kiadás)

1.Dangerous & Moving (Intro)   2.All About Us   3.Obezanka Nol 4.Loves Me Not 5.Friends or Foe   6.Gomenasai 7.Cosmos (Out of Space)   8.Craving (I Only Want What I Can't Have) 9.Sacrifice 10.We Shout   11.Perfect Enemy   12.Dangerous & Moving  +DVD lemez


All About Us (Remix, Taiwan kiadás, 2005)

01-all about us (dave_aude_big_room_vocal) 02-all about us (dave_aude_vocal_edit)  03-all about us (dave_aude_big_club_club)  04-all about us (dave_aude_big_mixshow)  05-all about us (dave_s_acid_funk_dub)  06-all about us (stephane_k_radio_mix)  07-all about us (stephane_k_extended_mix)  08-all about us (stephane_k_guitar_dub_mix)  09-all about us (the_lovermakers_mix)  10-all about us (glam_as_you_mix_by_guena_lg)  11-all about us (glam_as_you_radio_mix_by_guena_lg)  12-all about us (sunset_in_ibiza_mix_by_guena_lg)  13-all about us (sunset_in_ibiza_radio_mix_by_guena_lg)


Gomenasai (simple kiadás, 2006)

 1. Gomenasai
2. Cosmos (She Wants Revenge Remix)
Gomenasai (maxi kiadás, 2006)

1 ] Gomenasai (Album Version)
[2 ] Cosmos (Outer Space) (She Wants Revenge Remix)
[3 ] Craving (I Only Want What I Can't Have) (Bollywood Mix)
[4 ] Gomenasai Video (Not Animated)


Loves Me Not (francia kiadás, 2006)

 1. Loves Me Not (Radio Edit) - 2:57
2. Loves Me Not (Glam As You Radio Mix By Guéna LG) - 3:13
3. Loves Me Not (Glam As You Mix By Guéna LG) - 6:03
4. Loves Me Not (Sunset In Ibiza By Guéna LG) - 4:34
Friend or Foe (francia maxi limitált kiadás, 2006)

 1. Friend Or Foe (Glam As You Mix By Guéna Lg)
2. Friend Or Foe (Lenny Bertoldo Club Mix)
3. Friend Or Foe (L.E.X. Massive Dub)
4. Friend Or Foe (Morel'S Pink Noise Dub)
5. Friend Or Foe (Lenny Bertoldo Dub)
The Best (2006)

1.All About Us  2.All the Things She Said  3.Not Gonna Get Us  4.How Soon Is Now?  5.Loves Me Not 6.Friend or Foe - (radio version)  7.Gomenesai 8.Null & Void 9.Cosmos (Outer Space) - (She Wants Revenge remix)  10.Show Me Love  11.Craving (I Only Want What I Can't Have) - (Bollywood mix) 12.No Ver Ne Boysia Ne Prosi (Eurovision Song) 13.30 Minutes  14.Divine - (Extended Version) 15.Perfect Enemy  16.All the Things She Said - (Dave Aude Remix Edit)


The Best (2006)

1.All About Us   2.All the Things She Said   3.Not Gonna Get Us   4.How Soon Is Now?   5.Loves Me Not 6.Friend or Foe - (Radio Version)  7.Gomenasai 8.Null & Void 9.Cosmos (Outer Space) - (She Wants Revenge remix)   10.Show Me Love - (Radio Version)   11.Craving - (Bollywood mix) 12.Ne Ver Ne Boysia Ne Prosi (Eurovision Song) 13.30 Minutes  14.Divine - (Extended Version) 15.Perfect Enemy  16.All the Things She Said - (Dave Aude remix)   17.Ludi Invalidi - (Dangerous & Moving Russian Version) 18.Loves Me Not - (Glam As You Radio Edit mix) 19.Nas Ne Dagoniat - (Not Gonna Get Us Russian Version)   20.Ya Soshia S'Uma - (All The Things She Said Russian Version)

+DVD: 1. Live In Concert At Glam As You, Paris France 2. Gomenasai (Music Video) 3. Gomenasai (Animated Version Music Video) 4. How Soon Is Now? (Music Video) 5. Ludi Invalidi (Music Video) 6. All about Us (Explicit Version/Music Video) 7. All The Things She Said (Remix Music Video) 8. Not Gonna Get Us (Remix Music Video) 9. All About Us (Remix Music Video) 10. Friend Or Foe (Remix Music Video) 11. Making Of All About Us 12. Making Of Friend Or Foe 13. Making Of Gomenasai 14. 6 International TV Spots

Belij Plascsik (2007)

1)White Robe  2)Plant of Nothing (BP remix)  3)No Mercy (BP remix)  4)Marsiano (BP remix)  5)House of Robots (BP remix)  6)Astero (BP remix)  7)220


TATU's Favourite Songs (orosz kiadás, 2007)

(Russian Release) This album contains only one track by Tatu. The rest are Tatu's favorite songs in Russian.

Yulia Volkova:
1. Belle (From Notre Dame de Paris. Russian Version) 2. Andrey Gubin - Dance 3. Demo - The Rain 4. Mummy Troll - This is For Love 5. The Guests from the Future - He Is a Stranger 6. Ivanushki International - Golden Clouds 7. Kraski - You Are Alredy Adult 8. Strelki - Twig-Girl 9. Virus - Felicity 10. Yura Shatunov - Grayish Night 11. Sveta - That's Enough 12. Hi-Fi - High School N 7
Lena Katina:
13. Leningrad - Fly In The Sky 14. TATU - Clowns 15. The Prime-Minister - The Girl from The North 16. The Girls - I Am So Beautiful Today 17. Visokosny God - Cinema 18. Lube - Let's Drink... 19. Ivana Kupala - Pangolin 20. Ruki Vverh - Go Away 21. Bi-2 / Chicherina - My Rock'n'roll 22. Bonhay - Melt 23. Via Slivki - I Am Different 24. Marshal - Daddy


Belij Plascsik (2008)

(1000 db-os, számozott, dedikált orosz kiadvány.)

Belij Plascsik


Don't Stop vol.2 (2008) (MP3 album)

Lyudi Invalidy [Pimenov PPK Mix]  ß Ñîøëà Ñ Óìà [HarDrum Remix]  Malchik Gay [Fanky Remix]  All The Things She Said [Extention 119 Club Edit]  220 [p.r.O. Mix]  All About Us [Dave Aude Vocal Edit]  Never Ne Boysia Ne Prosi [Promo Eurovision]  Friend Or Foe [L.E.X. Global Oxygen Edit]  30 Ìèíóò [Hardrum Remix]  Robot [Nicky Extended]  Cosmos [Dj Ted Club Remix]  Beliy Plaschik [Astero Remix]   Vse Normal'no [JNX's Extended Version]    Loves me Not [Dr SigMa Final Remix]


Don't Stop vol.3 (2008) (MP3 album)

 - Gomenasai (Dmitriy Galas Mix)- Obezyanka Nol (Xelakad Radio Remix) - Friend or foe (Unknow Remix)- Ya Tvoy Vrag (Dj Nail Remix)- Loves me not (Unknow Remix)- Belochka (Dj Korh_Hypno Remix)- Running Blind (DJ LJ Remix) - Prostie Dvizinya (DJ Pandel Trance_Remix)- Ya Sosla S Uma (Gigi D'agostino Remix)- Lyudi Invalidy (GloBass Remix)- Malchik Gay [P.r.o. Remix] - Never Ne Boysia Ne Prosi (Final Gonki Remix)- Not gonna get us (Ninpha Project Remix) - Sacrifice (MZ Remix) - Zachem Ya (Shock Action Remix) - Star (Motion In The Sky)- Робот (Fly Dream New Version Remix) - 30 Minutes (Genildovisk Eletro Mix)


220 (2008)

220 (album version)


You and I (2008)   You and I


Angels (2008) (MP3 album)

Intro / SunShine in Railway [Fly Dream Remix]  30 Minut [Fly Dream Remix]  300 Km [Fly Dream Remix]  Belochka [Fly Dream Remix]  Dozhd' [Fly Dream Remix]  Forever [Fly Dream Remix]  Friend of Foe [Fly Dream Remix]  Ja Tvoja Ne Pervaja [Fly Dream Remix]  Klouny [Fly Dream Remix]  Krik [Fly Dream Remix]  Loves me not [Fly Dream Remix]  Nas Ne Dogonjat [Fly Dream Remix]  Obez'janka nol' [Fly Dream Remix]  Prostye Dvizhenija [Fly Dream Remix]  Robot [Fly Dream Remix]  Zachem Ja [Fly Dream Remix]


Veszjolije ulibki (Весёлые улыбки) (2008)


1 "Intro" (instrument)  2 Belij Plascsik ( Белый плащик;  White Robe)  3 "You and I"   4 "Sznyegopadi" ( Снегопады ;  Snowfalls )  5 220 ( Sparks)  6 "Marszianszkije glaza" ( Марсианские глаза;  Martian Eyes)  7 "Cselovecski" ( Человечки;  Little People)  8 "Veszjolije ulibki" (instrument) ( Весёлые улыбки;  Happy Smiles)  9 "Running Blind"  10 "Fly on the Wall"  11 "Vremja Luni" ( Время Луны;  Time of the Moon)  12 "Nye Zsalej" (Не жалей; Don't Regret)



Greatest Hits (MP3 album, 2008)

01 - All The Things She Said  02 - Fly On The Wall  03 - Loves Me Not  04 - You And I   05 - Not Gonna Get Us  06 - All About Us  07 - Show Me Love (Extended)  08 - 22009 - Lyudi Invalidy  10 - Malchik Gei  11 - Snegopady  12 - Friend Or Foe  13 - Prostie Dvizenia  14 - Beliy Plaschik  15 - Gomenasai  16 - Robot  17 - Ne ver', Ne Bojsia, Ne Prosi  18 - 30 Minutes  19 - Sacrifice  20 - Obzyanka Nol  21 - Running Blind  22 - Galoyan [Bônus Track]


Veselye Ulbiki (MP3 album, 2008

01. Intro  02. Beliy Plaschik  03. You and I  04. Snegopady  05. Dvesti Dvadtsat´(220)  06. Marcianskie Glaza  07. Chelovechki  08. Veselye Ulybki  09. Running Blind  10. Fly on the Wall  11. Vremya Luni  12. Ne Zhaley


Sznyegopadi (2009)   Snegopady


Moon, Snow and Gold (2009)

1. Vremya Luny (Magick Mash Up)
2. Snegopady (Two Receivers Mash Up)
3. 30 Golden Skans (Russian Vocal Mix)


Happy Smiles (2009) (munkacíme: Waste Managment)



1)Happy Smiles (Intro) 2)Featured  3)White Robe  4)You and I 5)Snowfalls  6)Sparks  7)Martian eyes  8)Little Poeple  9)Running Blind  10)Fly on the Wall  11)Time of the Moon 12)Don't Regret




Snowfalls (2009)

1)Snowfalls  2)Snegopady  3)Beliy Plaschik  4)You and I  5)220  6)Running Blind  7)Fly on the Wall


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